Dear Barbara,

Since hearing the news about Arnold, I’ve had a flood of memories of the many many times we were together—everywhere from Sea Ranch to South Salem to NYC. One episode stands out. In the Spring of 2002, Sarah and I embarked on a college tour that included Brown, Wellesley, Amherst, Hampshire, Mt. Holyoke, Williams, Vassar, Barnard, Columbia, and Haverford. You and Arnold hosted us during our time in the City in your usual warm and generous way.

You’ll remember that after our tour of Barnard, I lost Sarah for 3 hours on the NY Subway. There was a police APB search. They found her near Columbus Circle, and to our great relief, we were reunited. But then our cab driver cut off a horse and carriage resulting in a major brouhaha and the wildest ride ever back to your apartment. Later that evening, I lost Sarah again when she became ill and went to the restroom just as 3,000 people exited the theater. Finally, we arrived back at your place, which always was but that night truly became our sanctuary in New York. You and Arnold soothed my nerves and put Sarah to sleep for the night. I, somewhat crazed, thought we should check in to a hospital.

So Arnold, in his calm, knowing way, knew how to assess a situation, and how to confer that caring calmness to all who knew him. Barbara, I am grateful to you and Arnold both for our long standing and meaningful connection.

